Kurdistan’s Road to Independence: Building a New Economic Structure

By Tara Shwan

As the people of the Kurdistan Region prepare to head to the polls on September 25, 2017, in a historical referendum on Kurdistan's independence, we compare the economies of Iraq with other nations and ask, “What economic structure would a sovereign Kurdistan take?"

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Kurdistan’s Independence Referendum from an Economic Point of View

By Tara Shwan

This is not a political opinion, but an economic point of view. Some people in the Kurdistan Region oppose the proposed referendum for independence just because it's adopted by a certain party, while others argue that this isn't the right time for a serious step like that as the Region is suffering from severe economic crisis.

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Good Governance of Natural Resources for Economic Growth

By Paiman Ramazan Ahmad

Kaufmann et al (1999) defined "governance as the traditions and institutions that determine how authority is exercised in a country." Based on available literature including thoughts of neo-institutional scholars including, Douglass North and MancurOlsan, a positive relationship between the quality of institutions, governance structures, and economic growth is found.

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Barbara Ebel

Ms. Barbara Ebel is the Regional Labor Exchange Administrator for the Montgomery & Prince George’s Counties America Job Centers, Maryland. Barbara brings two decades of experience in community outreach, coalition building, and workforce development. She has been a keynote speaker across the United States and internationally in presenting topics such as workforce development, trade, diversity & disabilities awareness, and other labor-related topics. Her passion and expertise has earned her the Champion Achiever Award from the Maryland Secretary of Labor, & Regulation and an Award of Appreciation from the International Association of Workforce Professionals for outstanding performance as Chair of the International Development Committee. Barbara is also Co-Founder of Voice Engaging Latinos for Action and Executive Board member of Per Scholas Capital Region, Chimes International, Prince George’s Workforce Development Board and Ana Mendez University. Barbara holds a B.A. in Social Science from the University of Maryland.

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